COPA Plein Air Painters at Angel Oak
COPA (The Charleston Outdoor Painters Association) painted on location at Angel Oak today. The artists withstood bombardment by falling acorns in windy and damp weather to paint en plein air at this ancient tree.
The subject proved especially challenging in the morning's frequently changing light conditions. During breaks from painting, the painters enjoyed sharing plein air tips and helpful critiques on the works in progress.Karen Silvestro's use of warm and cool colors added depth and color harmony to her painting.
Ryoko Miller started her painting with large abstract forms which she refined into a more detailed artistic statement of the tree.
Lisa Willits,
worked fast laying in her composition quickly with a warm tone on a linen panel.
Teri Bastian used a grid on her canvas to develop her composition.
Visitors to Angel Oak added appreciative remarks as they watched the artists creating unique paintings "en plein air" of the majestic live oak.
Kay Schneider's painting of this misty morning at Angel Oak.
Robert Genn sums up the feelings of many plein air painters -
"I used to hate painting outdoors. I became confused and the results were generally sub-standard. When I started treating plein air as a minor event with lower expectations I began to better understand my motivation and to pick up on the spirit. A curiously satisfying activity."