Winter blooming Camellia japonica
After an unusually long cold spell this winter, warm sunny days have finally retured to the Lowcountry. The Gardens at Magnolia Plantation are full of winter beauty, with of hundreds of camellias, Japanese cherry trees, plants and bulbs filling the grounds with colorful blooms. As I painted under the moss draped live oaks, I was impressed by the timeless beauty of the historic Magnolia Plantation House in the garden. |
My plein air painting
"Timeless Elegance - Magnolia Plantation"
Oil on panel
Price: $475.00
I also enjoyed the challenge of painting on a larger plein air easel similar to those used by the 19th century Cape Cod outdoor painters. Their easels were designed with a wide leg base to withstand high winds and harsh winter weather conditions. |
This style of easel also accommodates a larger paint box allowing more space for paint and supplies. It was interesting to paint with the different gear... both the pochade paintbox with tripod and Beauport style easel are useful and have unique qualities for painting on location.
I am an artist moving to Charleston,SC from MA. Here I am a part of a plein air painters group. Are you part of one or know of one?
Thanks, Rosie
Hi Rosie,
The Charleston Artist Guild has many members who informally get together to paint out in the area. CAG @ http://www.charlestonartistguild.com is one of the largest and most active groups of artists in the area.
The only strictly plein air group in the Charleston Area was COPA -the Charleston Outdoor Painters Asso. but it mearged with CAG a couple of years ago.
Hope this is helpful. Welcome to Charleston. I think you'll enjoy living and painting in our coastal sub tropical climate.
Best regards, Kay
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