Marsh Creek Plein Air Painting - Racing Time and Tides
Plein air painting on location is never more challenging than when trying to record rapidly changing weather conditions such as ebbing tidal water and the setting sun.
I started this creek side marsh painting in the afternoon with a quick charcoal reference sketch on a toned canvas about 3:00.An hour later, I had laid in mid tones and was trying to refine my values in the sky and creek which were rapidly changing. Notice the dropping water level in the creek.
Soon the creek had run dry, the afternoon light faded, and I still had away to go with the painting. I like to finish plein air works "alla prima" (all at once) but I lost the light and tide this afternoon.
In today's race to paint the score is: Mother Nature "1" vs. Plein Air Painter "0".
I could finish the painting from my reference photos but the finished painting wouldn't be the same.
I'll return another day to paint faster and smarter. Time and Tide wait for no one...
To see more of my marsh paintings click here.
Nice work and insight - I agree with your comment about a work not being the same when its finished back home as when you are out experiencing it firsthand...
Thanks Dave. I visited your blog and enjoyed seeing your plein air marsh sketches.
About the problem of fighting mosquitoes while on location in the marsh - I use a gadget called the "ThermaCell" Mosquito Repellent appliance. I got mine in the camping section at WalMart. It uses a small propane cartridge to heat a repellent infused material that keeps biting bugs away for hours. It works great if it's not too windy.
Thanks for stopping by the blog.
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