Magnolia Plantation and Gardens Winter Festival 2009 - Art Show Opening Reception
The paintings were hung, tea was served, and plein air artists painted at the opening of the 2009 Magnolia Gardens Winter Festival.
Here's an ink drawing I sketched today of the entrance to the Plantation Gift Shop and Gallery. Covered by the large second story porch, the entrance to the Gift Shop and Gallery is a dry spot to sketch on a rainy day.
Artists painted throughout the gardens, including the lawn in front of the Plantation House.At 6:00 pm Charleston Artist Guild (CAG) member, Dab ( still painting in the misting rain. He said it takes about an hour to set up his elaborate plein air equipment, but then he is ready to paint in any weather.
The Art Gallery is full of exciting new artwork by members of the Chas. Artist Guild who will be at the Gardens painting tomorrow and throughout the Winter Festival, January 23 - Feb.28th. New paintings(Click here) will continue to be added to the show as they are created by the artists.
If you're in the area, come out to Magnolia Gardens to see the beautiful winter blooming camellias and the fresh artwork in the Plantation Gallery Gift Shop.
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