"Misty Morning on the Creek" A New Plein Air Painting by Katherine M. Schneider
I returned to the tidal creek at Poplar Grove I tried to paint last year. Click here to see that painting.
This time I decided to paint the creek on a misty morning rather than in the late afternoon sunlight.
The finished painting shows the creek filling with the incoming tide on a misty winter morning. I like the effect the mist and rain give to the marsh in the far distance. The gray light coming through the clouds makes the marsh grass and trees seem softer too.
I used my car's back hatch to keep dry while painting in the wet weather. Here's a photo of my canvas with some of the paint wiped down to the sienna colored under painting. This time out, I knew I'd have to focus first on painting the tidal water coming into the creek. This is a shallow creek and the water level changes very quickly.
Notice the change in the water level and the disappearing creek banks compared to the painting in this photo taken at the end of the painting session.
While I was painting , John Tarkany the owner of the land on the left side of the creek came by to chat. As a Landscape Architect, he has a special appreciation of the beauty of his creek side property.
I enjoyed a tour of the property with a lively discussion of its history and horticulture.
This creek has a special feel that has to be experienced to be appreciated.
I hope you can get a sense of the place from my painting "Misty Morning on the Creek".
"Misty Morning on the Creek"
Oil on canvas panel
Size: 11" x 14"
Price: $450.00
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